Surprise arrival of VCAT decision

Early VCAT decision

Some emails should arrive with a fanfare – a call to arms on the bugle.  They catch your attention with a colourful display of fireworks to proudly announce their arrival! ...

Getting the facts about tree roots with a trench

Facts about the trees

Finding out exactly where the roots from the trees next door come into our property should be helpful in reducing our neighbour's concerns about future excavations damaging these canopy trees.

Possible trip to VCAT offices

What does going to VCAT mean?

I didn’t believe Libby was serious when she said it.  I remember thinking, “I heard that wrong.”  When I asked her to repeat the sentence, it was identical.  She replied, ...

Permit decision made by Council

Planning permit decision

Libby had her psychic antenna up and running the other day.  She felt the need to call David and ask him if he’d  heard anything from the Council  about our planning ...

Thinking about the building permit

Planning for a building permit

Hang on a moment!  You might be thinking, “What happened to the planning permit?  I’ve missed something.  When did we jump to the building permit?” Planning permit review well underway. ...

Public review starts with a yellow sign

Public review begins

Nearly two years ago, Libby stood out the front of our property, heart pumping, making the final successful bid at the auction. Today we have reached an important milestone in our ...

Council response is consistent with 2040 plans

Response from Council

“Relax,” said David when Libby mentioned she hadn’t seen any change to the status of our planning permit application on the Maroondah Council’s website. She thought a response should have ...

Planning permit application submitted

Planning permit application

Submitting the planning permit application was a significant milestone in our project development. Now we await feedback comments from the various Council reviewers.

Using sustainability assessment tools to rate house performance

Sustainability assessment

As the planning permit documentation comes together, our thoughts turned to how best to share the sustainable design features with the Council personnel who will review the paperwork.  Not really ...

Discussion with Engineering

Discussion with Engineering

A meeting with Council Engineering was another positive experience. They are enthusiastic about going ahead with the modified storm drainage project based on a third easement on our property. If we formally agree to this arrangement, it is possible the work could be completed within a 6 month time frame.

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