Public review starts with a yellow sign
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Public review begins

Nearly two years ago, Libby stood out the front of our property, heart pumping, making the final successful bid at the auction. Today we have reached an important milestone in our journey towards creating three new homes.  The Council planner released our designs for public review.

Public review announced with a yellow sign.

I knew something important was happening when Libby checked the Maroondah Council planning application website and called out, “The status has changed!”  The planner had accepted our responses to his questions and decided to release the plans for public review.  We’d moved onto an important next stage in the planning permit review.  Our neighbours can now comment on the design.

The next day, Libby visited the Council offices to get a copy of the Yellow Sign.  A sign was posted to David, but this was so exciting, we couldn’t wait for snail mail.    The yellow sign is an important document that has to be displayed at the front of the property.  “Hey everyone passing me in the street,” it announces, “check out the plans at the Council office.  Let them know if you have any issues.”  Yes, we are talking about a high visibility sign.

Preparing a backboard for displaying the public review sign

Knocking up a backboard for the document was the first order of business.  Luckily, there are quite a few useful items lying around under the house or in the back shed.  The backboard we constructed is not going to last too long but should be right for the required two weeks.

Happy to see the public review sign on display

Libby was pleased when the sign was finished.  It certainly created some interest.  During the installation, two neighbours stopped by to chat about what we’re doing.  Initial responses were positive.

Not a moment too soon.

Getting onto public review came at the right time.  During the recent storms, the garden shed started to deconstruct itself.  A section of roof was blown off and landed next door.

Section of roof blown off the garden shed

We didn’t know this had happened until a neighbour asked Libby is she knew where the roofing sheet had come from.  Looking in the shed confirmed Libby’s suspicion.

Given that the handrail on the back stairs wobbles more every day, the existing buildings on our property seem to know what’s going to happen in a couple of months.  They’ve started to take themselves apart.

Practising for the real house.

Our son Ben decided we needed some inspiration for the finished houses.  Planning, designing and building were taking a long time so we needed a quick-finish project.

Solar home model

Here it is.  A few minutes of concentrated effort produced the first solar powered house on our property.  Unfortunately, no amount of downsizing is ever going to make this dwelling habitable.  Still the sense of completion felt good. We’re looking forward to reaching the same stage with a life-sized version.


  • Gillian Cohen

    October 17, 10 2016 08:13:08

    Excellent progress.

  • Anne Thompson

    October 17, 10 2016 01:55:33

    Fantastic news! Congratulations. May it be clear skys from here on in!

  • Andrew Haussegger

    December 19, 12 2016 09:46:28

    What an adventure.

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